Over the edge, Over again…

Well, after what seemed like, and actually was, one hell of a long trip, I’m finally here. I wouldn’t advise anybody doing the trip from the Pacific Northwest to Costa Rica the same way I did unless you can sleep anywhere. Over 19 hours, more then half in airports, waiting for the connection. I’f I’d driven to Portland, I could have been here in 9. File that under things to remember……

Not completely used to the idea of Tico time. I expected to get my rental car at the airport, or at least be taken right to it. Once again, I have to remember that I’m not in the land of the Superstore. It took nearly half an hour to get to the office, and then found out that the insurance policy I bought won’t cover liability, only damage to the car itself. Since Costa Rica law requires liability insurance, and if you get in a wreck, they can, and sometimes do, refrain from letting you leave the country until it is completely taken care of, you really should pay whatever your insurance company wants to extend your coverage. I wish I did. My $205 dollar rental that seemed such a great deal turned into a $467 dollar deal. Not such a great deal anymore. But….if that is the worst thing that happens on this trip, I’m Golden!!!

By the way, don’t exchange your gringo dollars for colones at the airport money changers shops. The exchange rate when I arrived was 559 colones per dollar, and the airport shops are paying no more than 480 colones per dollar. Quite a racket!

Next time I’ll tell you about a great out of the way hotel and restaurant close to the airport…….

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